Sunday, October 21, 2018 - 03

In keeping with the care and attention afforded to maintaining the wellbeing of personnel and owing to social corporate responsibility considerations in providing the necessary guidance to female employees, Jordan Commercial Bank (JCB) – in collaboration with King Hussein Cancer Center – recently held a session on the importance of the early detection of breast cancer. The session comes as part of a campaign entitled “Think Pink”, held during the month of October, which is considered to be the month dedicated to promoting breast cancer awareness around the world.

The session was attended by all JCB’s female personnel and sought to educate the attendees on the means of maintaining their health and wellbeing – especially insofar as the early detection of breast cancer – as it is considered the most prevalent form of cancer affecting women globally. The attendees were introduced to methods of periodic self-examination and other techniques employed in conducting medical examinations, while focusing on the importance of detection at an early stage. This is a crucial factor that greatly increases the chances of a more successful, reduced and less-intensive treatment.

The session was concluded by providing an optional examination to willing attendees by the female specialists at the Center, to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
