
Jordan Commercial Bank provides these loans to property producing funds (such as machines, equipment and warehouse assets) through which cash flows are produced to be used to pay the loan amount.

  • Short-term Loans
    A short-term asset-based loan, paid over a specified and equal number of payments throughout the maturity period, usually one year or less.
  • Medium-term Loans
    The maturity period for these loans is between one and three years.
  • Long-term Loans
    The maturity period for these loans is more than three years.



Business management for big and small companies

Jordan Commercial Bank is keen to provide the best commercial finance services to its customers to meet their growing financing needs to the fullest. The expertise of its banking team is dedicated to providing a broad knowledge of the local markets and designing services that meet the expectations of the customers and their business needs.

  • Trade Facilities.
  • Decreasing Loans.
  • Trade Finance.

Trade Facilities
Based on the keenness of Jordan Commercial Bank to secure all the financing needs of its customers, it has worked to provide several types of trade facilities at a competitive interest rate, and with flexible payment terms.

Our trade facilities that we provide include the following:

  • Current Account debit
    Jordan Commercial Bank provides its customers with a "statement of account" service relating to the financing of working capital. This service allows for the freedom to withdraw and deposit under the terms related to this financing.
  • Revolving loans
    This type of loan allows customers to execute multiple operations within the limit, so that the payment terms of each operation are commensurate with the revolving of the financed asset. Note that the re-utilization of the amounts paid is made available within the limit.
  • Bills
    Jordan Commercial Bank discounts bills in different maturity periods and in commensurate with the customers' financing needs.

Trade Finance
Jordan Commercial bank offers unique, flexible and reliable commercial finance services designed to support corporate customers of the bank in line with their specific time-bound business programs. The services support a network of correspondent banks spread across strategic areas around the world, facilitating banking transactions and providing the highest trade finance services to companies. Our services in this field include the following:

  • Commercial credits
    Jordan Commercial Bank directs its customers during their commercial transactions by providing indirect facilities in the form of commercial credits. These are the most widely used arrangements between international banks and are chosen to complete international trade transactions. This method also ensures the completion of these transactions in accordance with the latest international rules and terms.
  • Commercial credits associated with loans
    Jordan Commercial Bank offers loans associated with commercial credits to exporters and importers, in line with international standards through an expert and specialized team.
  • Guarantees
    Jordan Commercial Bank offers bank guarantees specifically designed to suit the needs of its corporate customers on their different works.
  • Collection policies
    In addition to the commercial credit service, Jordan Commercial Bank provides collection policies service for its customers who need the full protection provided by commercial credits, as well as greater protection in their commercial transactions that are executed under the terms of the open account.
  • Export Loans
    Export loans fall within the range of facilities granted by Jordan Commercial Bank to its customers, providing them with the liquid cash that enables them to complete export transactions and conduct their own transactions at competitive interest rates and flexible terms.